I approach each marketing endeavor as an opportunity to connect with people and market directly to their deeper wants and needs. Recruitment is one of the first major challenges for clinical trials that can lead to research failing and a new drug or treatment not reaching the market. I combine my unique educational background in Anthroplogy with a proven career in visual design to reach people and find what would make them want to volunteer for a clinical trial. My approach for reaching prospective patients is always to bring a unique sense of cultural understanding as well as regimented A/B testing and c.


Otsuka, Amgen, Janssen, Novartis, Sanofi, UCB
Depression, Migraine, Lupus, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Restless Leg Syndrome

This research study, sponsored by Otsuka Pharmaceutical, required recruiting patients who are suffering from Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Since much of the material dealing with depression is depressing by nature, we wanted to bring some levity and connect with the prospective participants on a deeper more human level. Since all concepts, imagery, and copy must go through rigorous approvals from the sponsor as well as the Institutional Review Board (IRB), this was a big win to have this approved. The recruitment materials in social media, print, and advocacy groups were a great success and paved the way for more creative marketing campaigns.